Daredevil – The Greatest thing to come out of the MCU


I believe Daredevil is the greatest Superhero property, next to The Dark Knight trilogy. Everything about this show is incredible, to the writing, the characters, the story, the cinematography, the actors, the performances, EVERYTHING about this show is Fantastic.

The Story

The story is extremely interesting throughout the 3 seasons! The show takes its time telling its story, the characters develop throughout the season and it ends in a extremely satisfying and badass conclusion! After you finish one episode, it leaves you saying “One more”, and after you finish ANOTHER episode, you say it again! I love it when a show does that.

The Cinematography and Action

This show is beautiful. The cinematography ranges to bright colours to dark. Now I can’t just not talk about the one take action scenes. Season one, the iconic hallway scene, season 2, the stairwell fight, season 3, the prison scene! (My favourite) I have nothing to add while talking about these, these sequences are iconic for a reason, what is there I have to add, it gets action right.

The Characters, performances and the writing

Charlie Cox IS Matt Murdock, Vincent D’Onofrio IS Wilson Fisk! These actors took these characters to new heights, with their INCREDIBLE performances, backed up with Fantastic writing. The Characters are fully fleshed out in the show, and they grow through the duration of the show.


Yes, I said it, the iconic “I BEAT YOU!” scene is the best scene in any Marvel movie or TV show (opinion). It starts with a gruesome fight with Daredevil and Fisk, and then Dex (bullseye) gets involved. Fisk paralyses Dex and then Matt beats the shit out of Fisk. Throughout the season, Matt plans to snap Fisks neck, but when the opportunity finally comes, he stops himself, because if he does snap his neck, Matt loses himself and is not Matt Murdock anymore, THAT. IS. STORYTELLING. When Matt says “I BEAT YOU” it’s chilling! I think that’s better than “Bring me thanos”.

NO! god knows i want to, but you don’t get to destroy who i am, you will go back to prison, and you will live the rest of your miserable life in a cage knowing you’ll never have Vanessa, that this city rejected you, IT BEAT YOU! I BEAT YOU!


Everything about this show is incredible, to the writing, the acting, the characters, the story, the cinematography, the action and the greatest scene in marvel! People can have their own opinion, but if they say this show is boring or bad, they’re just plain wrong.

Andrew Garfield – The Most Underrated Spider-Man

I am not looking the “The Amazing Spider-Man” movies. I will be looking at Andrew Garfields portrayal as Spidey, I will summarise my thoughts on the films. (TASM 1: EXTREMELY UNDERRATED AND INCREDIBLE.) (TASM 2: I ENJOY IT BUT LETS BE HONEST ITS THE WORST SPIDER-MAN FILM, BUT I PERSONALLY PREFER OVER HOMECOMING)

Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire are my personal favourite Spider-Men. I think Andrew doesn’t deserve the hate he receives, and I’ll explain why


Andrew is probably the best actor to play Peter Parker, he brings real emotion to the character and he makes you care for him. He acts like a normal teenager. The greatest scene that shows his acting ability, is Gwen Stacys death scene. That scene alone just proves how much of a good actor he is, it’s the most heartbreaking scene out of ALL the Spider-man films.


The character of Peter in these movies is great, he’s an ordinary teenager. People like to complain about the fact that he skateboards, which is stupid. Just because he skateboards doesn’t make him a nerd, nerds aren’t just these stereotypical kids who wear glasses and know everything. The Character of Spider-Man is (as I said before) my favourite Spider-Man. He’s funny, heroic and most importantly, RELATABLE. There’s real stakes in these movies, notice how when Peter is not by the Spider, his life becomes worse. Uncle Ben dies, Captain Stacy dies, Peter is struggling with seeing Gwen because he promised Captain Stacy to not date her, his best friend turns against him, his best friend kills his Girlfriend, Gwen. Peter quits being Spider-Man for quite some time. But returns to defeat The Rhino.


This is in NO WAY disrespecting Tobey Maguire or Tom Holland. I love them both. I enjoy all Spider-Man movies, including the not so good ones, TASM 2 is a movie I can enjoy, yes I know it’s cluttered, but I still love it. Andrew Garfield is a massive fan of Spider-Man, you can tell, and you can tell he CARES.

The Failure of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

I have not finished this game yet. But I have played enough to share my opinion.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2006), most well known as ‘Sonic 06’, came out in November of 2006, the year of Sonics 15th Anniversary. The original trailer showcased fast action, great gameplay and great graphics. The animations of the characters were great as well. The game was incredibly rushed for The Holiday season AND Sonics 15th anniversary. The story absolutely DREADFUL. Some of the gameplay was terrible (not all) and The Camera is terrible. Despite all of this, the game isn’t as bad as people say it is. People make this game out to be not only the worst Sonic game, but one of the worst games of all time. Firstly off they’re exaggerating and secondly, I would rather play this over Sonic 3D blast to be honest.

Plot Synopses

Doctor Eggman kidnaps Princess Elise of Soleanna in the hopes of harnessing the Flames of Disaster, a destructive power sealed within her. … Throughout the story, Sonic and friends travel between the past, present, and future in their efforts to stop Mephiles and Iblis and protect Elise from Doctor Eggman. Plot synopses from Wikipedia.

The Story, is awful. It’s way too complicated and messy. This game was a reboot to the series. This was a new age For Sonic. When people thought of Sonic, Sega wanted you to think of this game, and they did, but not the way they anticipated. When the game came out, it got a miserable score on IGN and other websites. Personally, I think the game wasn’t that bad, it’s not great, but it isn’t TERRIBLE either.

RATING – 5/10